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Research Data Management: Develop a Data Management Plan (DMP)

Managing, preserving, and sharing research data.

Develop a Data Management Plan (DMP)

A Data Management Plan (DMP) outlines how a researcher plans to handle data during the research life cycle. DMPs should include a description of:

  • Types of data that will result from the research
  • Standards and metadata that will be used to organize and describe the data
  • How data will be accessed, stored, and shared
  • Policies and provisions for reuse of the data
  • Plans for the long term storage of the data

The DMPTool is a free web-based service that guides researchers through the process of developing a data management plan that meets specific funder requirements.

If you need assistance with a data management plan or using the DMPTool, schedule a consultation with a member of our Research Data Management Services team.

Funder DMP Requirements

Funders such as the NSF and NIH are increasingly asking grant applicants to submit data management plans, with the intent to improve sharing, reproducibility, and discovery.  Details about funder requirements can be found here:

Sample DMPs