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Making Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for Health Care Workers: Home

Resources for Baltimore, Maryland and beyond during the Covid-19 pandemic

Get PPE for Health Care Workers

For Maryland-area health care workers

Order PPE at

Two products are available

  1. Face shield

  2. Face mask (washable)

Help make PPE (requires a 3D printer and filament)

For Maryland residents

Sign up for MD Makers Unite at (requires a Google account), a Maryland-based coordinated effort between, Open Works, Innovation Works, and Maryland citizens and organizations with 3D printers.

  • is providing the online signup portal, and issues a unique identifier to each signup account for tracking parts
  • Open Works is the assembly center that accepts the community printed face shield parts, sanitizes them, and assembles them with the plastic shields
  • Innovation Works is providing the online ordering and distribution service for health care providers at the cost of production

See the Open Works face shield instructions (pdf).


For non-Maryland residents

Look for other local maker PPE efforts via:

Resources for 3D Printing PPE

Model files


