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zSpace: Interactive 3D Anatomy Visualization and More


The zSpace workstation provides interactive 3D visualizations of human anatomy and more. Use the standalone monitor with a pair of glasses and stylus. Available in the Innovation Space on a first-come-first-served basis.

Getting Started with zSpace


Using the zSpace Stylus

  • Hold the stylus in your dominant hand just like a pen, pointing the front (the end with the buttons) towards the 3D screen.  The stylus allows you to manipulate 3D programs in a way that should feel more natural than a mouse.
  • The stylus has three different buttons:

1. Primary button (large front button): used to select objects and user interface controls

2. Secondary button (right back button): used to open context menus (varies between programs)

3. Tertiary button (left back button): used to perform other application-specific functions (also varies between programs)

  • The stylus includes two forms of feedback: vibration and an LED light.

Tips and Tricks

  • Rest your elbow on the table to prevent your arm from tiring quickly.
  • If the screen loses track of your stylus, try pointing the stylus down so the screen can “see” the tracking point on the rear of the pen.

zSpace Apps

The following zSpace applications are available in the HSHSL Innovation Space:

  1. Human Anatomy Atlas
  2. VIVED Science
  3. Leopoly 3D
  4. zSpace Experience
  5. zSpace Studio

Human Anatomy Atlas Resources