Please Note: Preprints are completed scientific manuscripts that have been made publicly available prior to peer-review and publication in a journal. Because they have not been peer-reviewed, preprints should be considered preliminary research and should not be cited as evidence or used to support clinical or public health decision-making.
- OSF Preprints
Part of the Open Science Framework (OSF) initiative to promote open collaboration in science research, OSF Preprints is a multidisciplinary preprint repository that allows authors to submit supplemental information, including data and code, along with their preprint manuscript.
- medRxiv
medRxiv (pronounced "med-archive") is a free online archive and distribution server for preprints in the medical, clinical, and related health sciences.
- bioRxiv Pharmacology and Toxicology
bioRxiv (pronounced "bio-archive") is an open-access service for preprints in the life sciences.
- ChemRxiv
ChemRxiv (pronounced 'chem-archive') is a open-access service for preprints in chemistry and related areas.
- PsyArXiv
PsyArXiv is an open-access service for preprints in the psychological sciences.
- SportRxiv
SportRxiv is an open-access service for preprints in sport, exercise, performance, and health research.
- MedRN: The Medical Research Network
MedRN, from the Social Science Research Network (SSRN), is an open-access service for medical research preprints, as well as other research outputs, including preliminary or exploratory investigations, book chapters, PhD dissertations, course and teaching materials, presentations, and posters.