601 West Lombard Street
Baltimore MD 21201-1512
Reference: 410-706-7996
Circulation: 410-706-7928
Have regular updates or a newsletter that go to administrators, families, or funders. The communication may include program and student accomplishments, notice of upcoming activities, or testimonials from students. It doesn’t have to be long and should be sent regularly using the most effective method. Snail mail? Email? Or updates to a web site?
Consider developing a simple web site to share information about the program.
Take pictures and post them!
The importance of parental engagement and involvement cannot be understated. If parents are involved, students are more apt to be engaged:
When implementing the complete SHARE curriculum, consider constituting an advisory committee that would meet 2-3 times per year.
Potential members:
Introduce new SHARE participants and their families to the curriculum by hosting an information sharing session. This is one way to build a community around the curriculum and begin an ongoing process of communication and support. Invite program participants' family members – parents, grandparents, siblings, etc. Enjoy each other’s company and get to know one another.
A Capstone event provides an opportunity to acknowledge students' hard work in participating in the SHARE curriculum. This event may take any form that works for you. Food makes a celebration come alive, so consider including either light snacks, a potluck luncheon or dinner, or a dessert reception.