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Baltimore MD 21201-1512
Reference: 410-706-7996
Circulation: 410-706-7928
Evidence synthesis is an umbrella term that encompasses multiple review methodologies, including systematic and scoping reviews. These types of reviews aim to compile and synthesize all available information on a particular research question. They differ from narrative literature reviews by following a structured methodology with steps in place to reduce subjectivity and bias.
Before beginning an evidence synthesis project:
Are you planning to conduct a systematic review, scoping review, or other evidence synthesis project? Librarians at the HSHSL are experts in conducting comprehensive literature searches as part of the evidence synthesis process.
After the initial consultation, in which the project's aims and scope are discussed, the librarian typically:
Librarians keep detailed records throughout the process to ensure transparency.
For questions about the Evidence Synthesis Service, please contact EvidenceSynthesis@hshsl.umaryland.edu.