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Project SHARE Curriculum: Getting Started with Outreach

Student Health Advocates Redefining Empowerment

Getting Started with Outreach

The Getting Started with Outreach lesson will increase students’ capacity for finding health information online and determining its quality.  MedlinePlus is established as a reliable source for answering health questions.


  • Define health information outreach
  • Identify the steps in successful outreach
  • Understand why outreach is important
  • Understand the components of an outreach campaign


  • Instructor computer and projector
  • Student computers/computer classroom
  • Blackboard or whiteboard
  • Handouts

National Health Education Standards that Align with the Getting Started with Outreach Lesson

  • 8.12.1 Utilize accurate peer and societal norms to formulate a health-enhancing message.
  • 8.12.2 Demonstrate how to influence and support others to make positive health choices.
  • 8.12.3 Work cooperatively as an advocate for improving personal, family, and community health.
  • 8.12.4 Adapt health messages and communication techniques to a specifc target audience.

National Strategies that Align with the SHARE Curriculum

Healthy People 2020 Objectives

AH-2      Increase the proportion of adolescents who participate in extracurricular and/or out-of-school activities.

AH-3.2   Increase the proportion of parents who attend events and activities in which their adolescents participate.

National Partnership for Action

Goal 1         Awareness - Increase awareness of the significance of health disparities, their impact on the nation, and the actions necessary to improve health outcomes for racial, ethnic, and underserved populations.

Strategy 2:  Develop and support partnerships among public, nonprofit, and private entities to provide a comprehensive infrastructure to increase awareness, drive action, and ensure accountability in efforts to end health disparities and achieve health equity across the lifespan.

Goal 2:        Leadership - Strengthen and broaden leadership for addressing health disparities at all levels.

Strategy 7:  Invest in young people to prepare them to be future leaders and practitioners by actively engaging and including them in the planning and execution of health, wellness and safety initiatives.